New to tax resolution? Read the featured tax resolution questions below to learn more about how it works. If you have more questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at Tax Help MD.
Is it possible that I file for settlement myself ?
Anyone can file their case and work for their settlement themselves. IRS applies strict checks on all the cases submitted to them. If your proposal has errors, you will not be able to gain the favors from the IRS. There is a chance that IRS completely rejects your settlement application.
It is advisable that you take help from a Tax settlement company; this will save your time, money and will also increase the chances of acceptance of your settlement case.
We at Tax Help MD know the right procedures and practices through which the IRS will consider your tax application.
Couldn’t I just go through my CPA or my attorney to do the settlement ?
Your case can be filed by your advisors or your tax attorneys. But the issue is that these people do not have as much experience of dealing with the settlement cases as Tax Help MD’s staff. These attorneys and CPAs handle maximum two to three cases a year, while our team of professionals deals with more than three settlement cases in a month.
How can I make sure that my settlement proposal is accepted by IRS ?
Our team of experts takes your case in consideration; ask you tax resolution questions through which they understand your case and analyze the accuracy of your documents and application. If our experts realize that your case won’t be accepted by IRS, we inform you before you hire us.
How long does it take to resolve the whole case from start to finish ?
The time taken for the tax settlement varies for every case, approximately the time ranges from 1 month to 1 year. We consider it our responsibility get your case solved as quickly as possible.
Will I be able to save some substantial amount from this settlement ?
The amount of money you can save varies for every case. There are many factors which play a part in achieving the settlement. This includes factors such as your age, your total assets, your expenses, number of people in your household and your monthly income.
How much do tax resolution companies charge ? What do you charge ?
Our tax resolution fees vary; it is based on the specific case you are facing. Since we have a lot of clients for whom we are working so we do not take the share of our client’s savings from them.
Where can I contact if I have more tax resolution questions ?
Our experts at Tax Help MD are always available on a Client Support Line. You can call on our number to ask about any other queries and to find out about the status of your case. Another way to get a hold of us is by filling the form on our contact page. No matter how you reach out to us, we will try to resolve your questions and concerns as quickly as possible.
What is tax resolution ? Why haven’t I heard of it before ?
tax resolution is a program initiated by the IRS years ago, which helps you settle your debts for percentage of taxes owed. Many people are unaware about this program because the IRS does not promote this program since it gives favor to the debtors.
Learn about the tax resolution services that Tax Help MD offers
Will an Offer in Compromise affect my credit ?
This is a very good program, this helps to remove IRS lien on your credit. So this program will improve your situation, and by no mean will it have any negative effect on your credit situation.