907, 2016
Procedure of filing tax extension and the alternate options
If a tax payer is unable to file the tax [...]
907, 2016
All about Tax Extensions?
The IRS facilitates the tax payers to pay their [...]
307, 2016
How to Evade Employment Tax
There are different ways through which people dodge paying employment [...]
307, 2016
What are the Tax Obligations for a Multi-state Employee?
If your business is located in one state and all [...]
307, 2016
State and Local pay roll tax obligations
Those employers who are working in a state which has [...]
307, 2016
Three Advantages of Direct Taxes
What is a IRS Direct Tax? As the name suggest, [...]
307, 2016
Employee & Employer Tax Responsibilities
The IRS states that the employer and the employee should [...]
2506, 2016
3 Marriage-related Tax Facts
If you are married, here are some tax tips [...]
2506, 2016
Instructions for the Newly married
Instruction No. 1: Adjust Your Withholding Once you tied the [...]
2506, 2016
Tax issues related to Marriage; Bonus and Penalties
Most people have a misconception that married couples have to [...]