One of the major ways to avoid identity theft is to keep your electronic information safe. Fraudsters try to steal your personal information by hacking your system or accessing your information from a public or official computer. They use this information for their personal benefits. Here are a few ways to avoid identity theft.
How to protect your personal information
If you fill your tax returns online you should keep the following precautions in mind:
- Download a security software on your personal computer
- Apply firewalls and other protections on you device and keep them updated
- Use strong passwords and change them regularly
- Never use a public computer or public Wi-Fi when dealing with sensitive personal data
Steps to follow if you think you are a victim
If you feel that you are victim to identity theft, take the following steps as promptly as possible:
- Submit identity theft affidavit ( Form no. 14039); This affidavit helps IRS to mark your account to identify questionable activity.
- Request a fraud alert, which lasts 90 days; An alert allows creditors to access your credit report only if they can verify your identity. The alert is a free service.
- Review your reports and, if you see issues, contact the businesses where the fraud has taken place.
You can take help of a tax prepare such as professional from Tax Help MD who can assist you throughout the process. We will able to provide you with copies of your past tax returns to help you prove your identity, as well as help you manage any IRS correspondence and work with you through this long and sometimes difficult process.
My Tax Help MD is one of the reliable and professional tax resolution providing companies that serve in all kinds of IRS tax issues. Our professional team is able to consult you about the IRS tax process, can provide you IRS audit help, and can also guide you how to save money while paying your taxes.
Call us at 888-557-4020 or contact us online at